China Day 1
So far so good for everything in China. I was really worried about a 13 hour plan ride. This was a little easier since they were playing Talladega Nights and Pirates of the Caribbean 2. I ended up watching Talladega about 3 times. It is sooooo funny. I now why everyone at work was makin a big deal. The food was actually really amazing. Even though I wasn't sitting in first class, I had a ton of leg room and they seemed to actually care about our comfort. Got my seat moved closer to my travel buddy Jon, though he literally played Risk on his computer the entire time. I am happy to inform you that he know rules the world. For those of you that don't know, my friend Jon Weller works for the university of Cincinnati Admissions. He was kind enough to ask me if I wanted to tag along and do whatever. I have made it my goal to get a photo exhibit out of this trip.
We got into Beijing around 2:30 local time. We are 13 hours ahead of the USA. We made a poor decision at customs and got in the slowest line in the world. We lost an hour just waiting as all the other lines were sending people 4 to 5 times faster. I thought people were punished for poor or slow service??? Finally we got through and the adventure began. A driver from the hotel picked us up. Let me say this..... he was a good driver, but I would never want to trade places. Driving in China is INSANE!! The horn is an essential part of the car. You have to use it. You drive really fast and cut off as many people as possible. Pedestrians really have no right except to receive a long honk and getting cut off or potentially hit. I am a little nervous about walking around this week!!
We met Jon's contact for dinner at this little duck restaurant. Yes, it did remind me of a Christmas story. I wanted to tell the waiter that the duck was smiling. However, being that most of the Chinese people I have seen and heard this far don't like to smile or laugh, with the exception of Jane (the contact). This isn't Poland were people think that you are cute for trying to speak the language. It feels like you are just making their life a living hell? After dinner we walked to the grocery store and got drinks. Drinks includes a ton of bottled water, diet Coke for Jon, and an array of beer. We came back to celebrate our arrival. That pretty much included drinking partially warm beer and watching the Family guy on my computer. It honestly felt like we were 15. We both fell asleep during the first episode.
Today Jon has to do some work and I am going to the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square. I hope to have some amazing shots.
Here is some random observations:
1. China is SMOGGY and dark. It looked like it was 8 am and you visibility was terrible. This was 5 at night!
2. Toilets seats are huge! I almost fell in the first time I went to the restroom.... seriously. I don't know why such small people need large toilets?
3. I have no luck with power. My adapter on the plane didn't work. My converter blew a fuse shortly after plugging in at the hotel. So hopefully you will be able to read more of these.
Okay, here are pictures from my first day. Mind you I didn't have much time and was a little nervous about getting arrested. I was "shooting from the hip". I think a few of these actually turned out well!
At 10:03 AM ,
Connie said...
Glad to hear you made it half-way around the world in one piece. What an amazing opportunity..what an adventure. But then you always were the adventurous one.
Your comment about the tiolet seats had me rolling on the floor...but then I always did have a certain kinship with anything relating to lavatories.
Can't wait to see more of your pictures. I'm sure you'll get some incredible shots.
Take care of yourself and stay out of trouble...we don't want you starting any international incidents.
Aunt Potty
At 10:44 AM ,
BaltoSorice said...
No doubt getting there is more than half the battle. Somehow, coming back is so much easier. Just thinking about sleeping in my own bed on the long trip back seems to take a load off for me.
Good luck with the food. I hope they hold back completely infusing you into the culture on that regard. Though, finding good local (warm) beer will probably fill in the caloric misses.
So much to see. I hope your lense will be as wide as your eyes.
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