Mao never did this!!
Okay, I wake up this morning after taking a heavy dose of nasal, and I feel great. I actually slept for about 7 hours. I am a new man! There was nervous energy in the air. I was heading out on my own today. I decided that my time would be well spent in the Forbidden City and surrounding parks (Belhai and Jangshuan). I feel that I have definitely got the hang of shooting from the hip and have gained enough courage to just take the photograph. I was pretty proud of my Great Wall shots. So maybe I am not dirt on Cartier-Bresson's shoe after all??
The Forbidden City is ENORMOUS!! At the end, it took me over an hour to walk to way back to the front. I was a little disappointed that most of the main buildings were under severe construction. There are a few famous buildings that many of you would recognize, but you will not be seeing any in today's shots. It is my understanding that this is the biggest renovation in 100 years. I have learned that I am not a huge fan of the typical tourist shots anyway. They just bore me and I don't have the patience to wait for everyone to get out of the way. There were a ton of people in the place. I mean it was busier than Disneyworld. Some more "art students" tried to bother me, so I just looked confused and kept repeating the few words of Polish I know. It worked wonderfully. Maybe I can one day speak the few words of Chinese that I know and get hagglers off my case??
Belhai and Jangshaun parks are surprisingly peaceful and it is nice to not see tons of people walking around. The car noise and everyday hussle is no where to be found. Belhai is a gorgeous spot with many little side trips inside. The pictures above with the white topped building is the White Dagoba (you had to pay extra to see Yoda). Some guy tried to tell me that I wasn't allowed to take pictures, but everyone else did. When in Beijing I like to say!
I am back in the hotel and going to get a bite to eat with some people from Jon's work. It is nice to have a few people to call upon should a situation arise.............I just got back from dinner with Eduglobal (Jon's office). Not to sound all weird or anything, but the best way to know another culture is to break bread with them. We went to a hotpot restaurant that is attached to the hotel. Think fondue only spicier and a lot better. I just had an amazing meal with 9 new friends. We toasted Yao Ming, Tracy Mcgrady and being a "real man". I was also told that in order to show your friendship, you have to get drunk together. Don't worry, I know that I am a light weight, but I kept my dignity! :) I would also like to thank my father at this point. My dad can make friends anywhere he goes. I like to think that maybe I have inherited that trait from him! Thanks Dad!!!
RANDOM China thoughts
1. Things are cheap in China. Yesterday at Friendship Town, Jon and I ate a typical American-Chinese meal for $2!! Think Main Moon buffet in Norwood or the Peking Garden in Wheeling. I bought 4 beers, 3 waters and some cookies for $3!!! Amazing stuff here in China. However, my meal at the hotel cost almost $20 last night. This was for a burger and fries!
2. Regardless of the cheapness of the country, it is still a developing nation. I guess I have a hard time believing this since they seem to be a world power. Driving through rural China yesterday, I saw extreme poverty. It was like being in El Salvador. People living in tiny huts. Even in Beijing, there are extreme contrasts. It comes as quite a shock.
3. Mirrored elevators, which seem to be all of them, are extremely awkward. I never know where to look. Plus it is weird when you are a foot taller than everyone else and they just stare at you.
4. Relating China to the jokes on the Simpsons is not a good thing. It is sad that all I keep thinking about is how I want dragons to offer me eternal happiness.
I took 400 pictures today! I hope that you enjoy them, and hope that I can get another 400 tomorrow. I couldn't edit a majority of them. I will be heading to the Summer Palace for some sunrise shots. We will see where else I end up!
I wanted to extend congratulations to my brother-in-law Josh on his recent engagement.
I hope all of you are well.
At 9:53 AM ,
stilts said...
sounds like you are having a great time and is a vary interesting place and beautiful keep up the good work on the pictures can not wait till we see more of them, and more tales of your adventures thought that was great about christmas story and the duck. stilts
At 4:32 PM ,
BaltoSorice said...
Very good - Good ole Mao is a favorite. Remember that compilation album "Just Say Mao"? All this talk made me think of it.
You've just proved a major point pictorially in in this post - babies from all countries are really, really cute. Hey, while on that baby topic...
Catch ya later.
At 5:09 PM ,
stilts said...
The pictures are getting better every day. I think you are capturing the essence of the everyday people.
Your Polish usage is a good idea.
When in the elevator look at the ceiling unless of course it is also mirrored.
Keep on having a great time.
Aunt Pottys Sister
At 2:14 AM ,
carrienation said...
i did all your work today, so you can come home now.
wendy and i have discussed, and you should take lots more pictures of people from now on, and mostly children. it was declared after i got goo-goo over some old photos of james.
At 2:36 AM ,
loosewreck said...
WOW, KEEF - the photos are aMAZing and the blog is insightful, hilarious fun!
Keep up the GREAT work, Bernstein.
You are dirt on NO ONE's shoe!
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