Uncle, Uncle, take my picture!
It has been difficult trying to find internet access and actually get some time to update the blog. Hopefully our arrival in Bombay (Mumbai) will help change that. Jon and I are spending the day here meeting with a close partner to the UC International Admissions program. Mumbai already feels very different from Delhi. The streets are still crowded and I still fear for my life while traveling in a car, but people are just more relaxed. The poverty seems to be a little less severe as well. I just got back from a small jaunt along the coast of the Arabian Sea. It feels good to be close to the water. Today was exam day for many of the students in the area. So by the time I hit the road, children had taken to the streets relieved that the Diwali holiday was almost near. Cricket seems to be the sport of choice. It has been nice that people have been coming to me and asking for pictures. Though I am always a little apprehensive that they are going to want money. Instead of money I am ready to hand out Jolly Ranchers. Although the children today quickly turned on me when I wouldn’t give them more.
So we are going to lunch soon. Though I am experiencing a lot of stomach problems. I don’t think that I have caught anything, but the thought of Indian food right now makes me feel ill. I thought that I would try to get pictures from yesterday up. It was a slow day on the picture front. I spent the day with Jon at a school in the suburbs. I managed to get the courage to wander the streets a little. Got some great shots this afternoon of kids playing in the water etc. I will try to get those up soon.
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